Week 14: Resumes and Presentations

  1. Ice breaker: Describing your club experience on your resume
    1. Create 3 sentences using strong verbs from 3 different categories
    2. Share with table; share with class
  2. 5-minute End-Of-Semester Presentations
    1. Don't prepare for this outside of lecture
    2. In your 5 minutes (use the full 5 minutes), answer an interesting subset of these questions (probably question #1 + 3 other questions).  All 3 people must talk.  To make this interesting, give specifics or examples.
      1. Required: 
        Your site, number of students, day of week, how many meetings
      2. Most interesting (or unusual) thing about your site or club?
      3. What challenges did you overcome over the semester?  
        What challenges still remain that you weren't able to completely handle?
      4. In what ways did the kids grow or change over the semester?  How well did they like and learn Scratch?  
      5. How did each of you change over the semester?  How did your ability to work as a team change over the semester?
      6. What was the most surprising or important aspect about the overall experience for you?
  3. Presentations from 6 groups * 5 minutes = 30 minutes total
  4. Last homework: Create a certificate to give to each of your students during your last club meeting (and final portfolio)
  5. Next week: Pizza celebration and your feedback to me about class organization