SA 4 Annotated Bibliography
- Due Jul 12, 2019 by 11:59pm
- Points 0
- Submitting a text entry box, a website url, or a file upload
Short Assignment - Annotated Bibliography
Length: 5-6 sources
After creating a research question in class, your next step is to find sources to answer your question. You will need to find 5-6 sources that offer multiple perspectives on your question to ensure that you are able to best answer your research question in your infographic at the end of the sequence. You should include:
- 2-3 sources from academic sources. At least one should be an article from a database, while the second or third could be from a less formal but still academic source such as a peer reviewed blog ran by students.
- 2-3 “popular” sources. These can be sources such as newspapers, government-ran websites, or YouTube videos created by reliable sources.
You will then write an annotated bibliography using correct APA citation. Each annotation should be about 200 words and include:
- A summary of the key points of the source
- A short explanation why this is a reliable source to answer your research question
- A sentence or two about how you plan to use this source in your infographic
We will talk about concise language in class; you should plan on first having more than 200 words of information and then cut down to meet this criterion.