IRP Assignment 6: Second Draft (Conference Draft)
- Due Nov 18, 2019 by 11am
- Points 20
- Submitting a file upload
Estimated time to complete: This assignment will take a number of days to complete. Supported Objectives:
Upload your second (conference) draft here. Your file submission needs to include the following:
1. Your essay – filename: Instructor’sLastName.FirstInitial.IRPD2.SemesterYear.lastname.firstname.docx Example: Dalby.T.IRPD2.F18.Kim.Dabin.docx
2. Paragraphs should be numbered in order to make discussion about the paper easier
3. Write a self-evaluation note (on both the 2nd and final drafts) -- tell me something you liked about the paper and something you are less certain about.
4. Submit your sources in HERE – each file should be named accordingly: last name.pdf. They should be uploaded in a compressed file (i.e., .zip or .rar)
- Be sure to include every source that you have referenced in your essay.
- Every time you have a citation in your essay it should include a page or paragraph number (as appropriate). In addition, you must highlight every section in your source that has been used. Here’s an example using an old GRP topic:
The easier it is for me to find where you are getting your quotes/paraphrases from, the happier I am while marking. Hint. Hint.
- Typed, double-spaced, one-inch margins
- 12-point Times New Roman font
- You must upload your IRPD2 as a .docx file
- You must upload your sources as pdf files
- Number each paragraph of your paper to make discussing the paper in the conferences easier.
For more help see • Formatting Written Assignments in 118 • Formatting a Research Paper (Mac) • Formatting a Research Paper (Windows)
- All conferences will be in the iSchool Library on the 4th floor of Helen C. White
- I have scheduled 40 minutes for each conference, but it may not take this long. We will spend almost the whole time discussing your paper.
- Before you come to the conference, you must read all of my comments on your 2nd draft. You do not have to grade your own paper, but it is very helpful if you attempt to make improvements to your draft before you see me. Be prepared to lead the conference and to ask good questions.
- Good question: Should I include more analysis of X in my 2nd body paragraph?
- Bad question: How do I improve my paper?
- Don’t be late. Conferences replace class time, so if you are late, it will count. If you are more than ten minutes late, you will be marked absent. If you have a problem or need to reschedule, contact me as soon as possible.
You can download/view the grading rubric here Download here