Lecture Participation
It's better when students are there.
There are five lectures over the course of the semester. Each student registers for either the in-person lecture or the online lecture.
In-Person Lecture
Students registered for the in-person lecture attend on selected Wednesdays at noon in 5206 Social Science (see the Syllabus or the Calendar to the left for dates).
You'll be able to interact with your fellow classmates and your professor in realtime if you chose the in-person lecture format.
Online Lecture
Students registered for the online lecture download and view the lecture material on their own, after it has been presented in the in-person lecture, right here in Canvas.
Usually the online lecture will involve a number of bite-sized modules rather than one long 50-minute video.
You'll be expected to complete each online lecture before the start of the following week's discussion section.
Lecture topics
This year we will have five lectures on the following topics:
- Lecture 1 of 5: Introduction to the course - The value of a liberal arts and sciences education for the college labor market.
- Lecture 2 of 5: Social networking - It's about more than building an online profile.
- Lecture 3 of 5: UW panel - How to take advantage of the "Wisconsin Experience" for career preparation in your academic and extracurricular activities.
- Lecture 4 of 5: Diversity and creativity - Diverse workplaces are more creative, but must be created in a way that overcomes implicit bias
- Lecture 5 of 5: Planned happenstance - Your career journey will surprise you, and that's OK.