Discussion Participation
Discussion section on a nice day.
Students are expected to attend all discussion sections. However, "participation" in discussion means more than just attendance; it also means attention and contribution. Attendance will be taken in discussion; if you are late, you will be marked absent.
Discussion section policies
- Personal electronics. You may use your laptop or other personal electronics during class only to take notes or to explore resources related to the lecture. You may not use devices during class for social media or any other recreational activity; to do so is disrespectful to the instructors, distracting to your fellow students, and wasteful of your tuition dollars.
- Absences. Only those absences due to emergencies, illness, professional meetings of critical importance, university sponsored activities, or extenuating circumstances will be excused. Absences for discretionary activities such as pre-planned personal events, vacations, or elective travel will not be excused. Any requests for an excused absence must be emailed to your TA no later than 24 hours after the missed class.
Discussion topics
This year we will have nine discussion sections on the following topics:
- Discussion 1 of 9: Meet your TA and CM - Creating a safe environment to reflect on your career journey
- Discussion 2 of 9: Wandering through a liberal education - Visual critical reflection techniques
- Discussion 3 of 9: Assessing your strengths - Debriefing from an online self-assessment
- Discussion 4 of 9: Skills employers value - The power of "Challenge-Action-Result" statements
- Discussion 5 of 9: Finding opportunities (alumni visit) - Researching jobs, internships, and public service
- Discussion 6 of 9: Peer reviews - Feedback on your resumes and LinkedIn sites
- Discussion 7 of 9: Informational interviews (alumni visit) - Debriefing on your informational interviews.
- Discussion 8 of 9: Communicating your value - Use your polished resumes in mock interviews.
- Discussion 9 of 9: Your personal brand - Give a one- or two-minute "personal brand" speech to the class.
Discussion assignments for Fall 2017
DIS 301 M 12:00-12:50PM, 378 Van Hise: Megan Costello, Emily Young
DIS 302 M 12:00-12:50PM, 223 Ingraham: Jon Cleveland, Greg Downey
DIS 303 M 4:00-4:50PM, 379 Van Hise: Kathleen Rause, Emily Young
DIS 304 T 4:00-4:50PM, 1227 Ogg: Nate Doolin, Kurt Kuehne
DIS 305 W 4:00-4:50PM, 375 Van Hise: Duane Cooper, Emily Young
DIS 306 W 4:00-4:50PM, 1227 Ogg: Leslie Kohlberg, Kurt Kuehne
DIS 307 R 4:00-4:50PM, 482 Van Hise: Alex Peirce, Kurt Kuehne