EXTRA CREDIT: Outside Career Resource
- Due Dec 21, 2017 by 11:59pm
- Points 1
- Submitting a text entry box or a file upload
Depending on your major or other areas of career interest, there are probably many different online career resources that you could begin to follow while you pursue your university education. In this assignment you will identify an outside career resource and take steps to follow it.
Read this first
- Lindsey Pollak, "Stop being a student,"
Getting from College to Career (New York: Harper, 2012).
Steps to complete
1. Find an outside online resource that you think would be helpful in building your knowledge of a particular career path that might follow directly from your chosen major — or indirectly from your broad liberal arts and sciences degree. You might try an online index to career resources like the National Career Development Association (NCDA) Internet Sites for Career Planning Links to an external site. listings, or the US Department of Labor Career One Stop Links to an external site. page. Typical career resources include things like:
- Online discussion boards
- Weblogs
- Professional or industry magazine and journals
- Specialized job listing web sites
- LinkedIn interest groups
2. If possible, connect to this resource through your LinkedIn
Links to an external site. page so it automatically provides information to you every time you visit LinkedIn.
3. Take a screenshot or scan a printout of your online resource and upload it to Canvas
Questions for discussion
- Can you see yourself continuing to use this outside resource after you graduate from UW-Madison?
- Remember to ask mentors in informational interviews what kinds of outside career and professional resources they use too.