Online Lecture Access
Our online lecture videos are stored using a media storage and streaming service called Kaltura. Accessing them is a bit tricky the first time; here’s what you need to do:
1. Log into Canvas and go to our course web site for Taking Initiative
2. On the menu to the left, click on “Media Gallery”
3. You will be prompted to authorize Kaltura with your NetID. Go ahead and do this, it’s OK.
4. Once Kaltura is authorized, the lecture videos will appear in the Media Gallery and you can play them.
5. Once Kaltura is authorized, you can also access these lecture videos through the “Modules” section of the web site on the left, were each module represents one week of lecture or discussion, in order. But the videos will also all remain listed in the Media Gallery as well.
6. Finally, the printed slides for each lecture are also available in the “Modules” section, under the heading for the relevant lecture.
Try it out — once you’ve set Kaltura up the first time, you probably won’t have to authorize the app ever again.