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LIS640: Topics in Library and Information Studies (001) DEE SU19
Course objectives: Basic awareness of major Western schools of ethics and how to use their precepts to resolve ethical dilemmas Ability to define “big data” and recognize its use across industries Broad awareness of collection, retention, use, and transmission of big data about individuals and groups of people across industries Ability to recognize potential and actual harms in the collection, retention, use, and transmission of big data about individuals and groups of people, including but not limited to bias, loss of autonomy, loss of privacy, loss of free expression, manipulation, redlining, security breaches Ability to recognize and respond to common “ethics smells”—poor rationalizations/justifications—for collection, retention, use, and transmission of person-specific big data across industries
PUBAFFR827: Administrative Internship (001) DHH SU19
La Follette masters degree students may receive up to three graduate course credits by successfully completing PA 827 Administrative Internship.