All Courses
MUSIC105: Opera (001)
The purpose of this course is to provide students with the necessary background for enjoying opera. Students will be conversant in the details of opera, capable of discussing opera with others, able to enjoy recorded and live performances on their own. No musical experience is necessary: in the past students with and without musical backgrounds have found the material helpful.
COMPSCI706: Analysis of Software Artifacts (001)
Advanced course covering various analysis techniques used in software engineering. This course will cover techniques for analyzing various software artifacts. Some of the topics that will be covered are: model checking, testing, program analysis, requirements analysis, and safety analysis. Prereq: CS 536 or consent of instructor. A basic knowledge of mathematical logic is also required.
INTER-LS210: L&S Career Development: Taking Initiative (001)
FALL 2017. A 1-credit career course, open to all UW students, sponsored by L&S SuccessWorks.
School of Ed. Canvas Migration Resources
Resources for Instructors in the School of Education for developing courses in Canvas
SOCWORK835: Advanced Soc Work Practice in Mental Health (020) AON
SW835 focuses on the core practice theories, conceptual frameworks, and intervention skills necessary for social work practice in mental health.