Course Syllabus
This course is an introduction to the tools, techniques and concepts of digital photography. An emphasis will be placed on the digital photography workflow from image capture to the final print. It is centered around five creative project assignments, which provide opportunities both to develop technical skills and for personal exploration. Digital Photography has forever changed the way that we engage pictures and picture making. Digital cameras have made photographing more accessible than ever before, opening the field to a flood of new visual voices. Digital manipulation has become so widely accepted that the very idea that a photograph is evidence of a time or place has come into question. In this course we will develop proficiency as digital photographers through practical instruction, lectures, readings, a field trip, group discussions, and individual and group reviews, fostering a critical eye for the purpose and production of contemporary digital photographs.
Students will
- Learn the fundamentals of digital cameras and their applications. (Exposure, focus, white balance).
- Develop a proficiency in techniques for, raw-file conversion, non-destructive image adjustment & manipulation using Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Bridge software.
- Develop a working understanding of image file types, compression and resolution.
- Learn the fundamentals of producing exhibition quality digital inkjet prints.
- Explore creative ideas and concepts through photography.
- Develop visual and critical thinking skills.
- Develop understanding of a range of issues in contemporary fine art photography.
- Learn to write about their creative work.
- Discuss and critique photographs and their content and technique in depth.
Complete all assignments on time. Photograph constantly, making new images for the assignments and for yourself. Your final project must be printed and contained in a well presented portfolio. It is unacceptable to appropriate images made by others for assignments or exercises in this course.
Archiving work
You are required to organize all of your work in a Lightroom Catalog on one drive.
You are required to take notes during all the class lectures and demos. Much of the material in this class may be reviewed in your text book but for some material you must depend on your notes as reference material.
For all assigned readings you should print talking points for discussion.
Active participation is a crucial part of any studio art class. All students are expected to improve continually and to demonstrate the ability to speak critically and constructively about their own work and the work of their peers.
Attendance for this course is mandatory. If you shall be absent for class you MUST let the instructor know in advance in writing. If you are absent for unpredictable reasons (eg. you wake up sick or get into an accident) you may contact the instructor as soon as possible (in writing). A student with any absences that are unaccounted for will not pass this course.
Health and Safety
Always be aware of what is behind you when photographing.
If english is not your first language, let the instructor know within the first two weeks of class.
Special Needs
The Instructor of this courses is committed to accommodating any special needs that a student may have. If you believe that you have a learning/physical disability or that your ability to participate in the class is affected by unchangeable circumstances, let the instructor know within the first two weeks of the semester.
Late Work
You are required to show up for critique even if you do not have your work completed.
If at anytime you are confused with the course work please address the problem immediately in class, at my office hours, or by special appointment. You may at any time ask me how you are progressing in this class.
New photographs will made for each assignment.
Images captured prior to class may not be used for current assignments.
- A portable USB Hard drive, (1TB or larger)
- A "Raw-capable" camera with Manual Controls. (preferably an SLR or ILC) (If you do not have a camera, you can check one out from Merrit Library)
(OPTIONAL) Digital Photography – A Basic Manual by Henry Horenstien
Grade Breakdown:
Participation 18% | In-Class Lab Time 18% | Quizes 6% | Assignments/Exercises 40% | Final Project 18% |
September 2017 |
Monday / Tuesday |
Wednesday / Thursday |
6/7 -Introduction to course & materials -Intro Photography Fundamentals. (Part one) |
11/12 -A brief history of the medium. -Exercise#1 -Bring camera and objects to photograph. -Digital cameras fundamentals -Introduce assignment#1 (Typology) |
13/14 -Importing files -Basic introduction to PHOTOSHOP, CAMERA RAW, BRIDGE and LIGHTROOM -Using LIGHTROOM for file management
18/19 -View Pictures from exercise 1 -Exercise#2 -Image adjustments in LIGHTROOM -Compare camera types for different objectives.
20/21 -Review Exercise#2 -Editing a sequence of photographs in LIGHTROOM Using and external editor. -Discuss assignment#1 |
25/26 -Digital Printing in the DPL -Exporting files -Resolution, Bit-Depth, Compression File Formats.
27/28 -Critique of Assignment #1 -Discussion of Fred Ritchen Reading -Introduce assignment#2 (action sequence) |
October 2017 |
Monday / Tuesday |
Wednesday / Thursday |
2/3 -Targeted image editing in Lightroom Exercise #3 -Slide Show Photography as Document. |
4/5 -Introduction to Photoshop & Bridge -Working between Lightroom and Photoshop -Photoshop: Image Size, Saving, Selections and Layers -Exercises#4 |
9/10 -Photoshop: Adjustments, Masks, Stacks/ -Midway review of Exercise#4 |
11/12 -Review Exercise #3 Action sequence. -Introduce Assignment#3 (Scanogram) |
16/17 -Discuss issues of contemporary documentary photography -Selections and masking continued. -Problem Solving with Photoshop and Lightroom. -In class lab session
18/19 -Critique of assignment #2 -Introduce Assignment#3 (3 of a kind) |
23/24 -3 of a kind workshop |
25/26 -Assignment #3 story boards due. -Transform tools |
30/31 -Midterm exam -Midterm one on one meetings. -Shooting for assignment#3 should be completed.
November 2017 |
Monday / Tuesday |
Wednesday / Thursday |
1/2 -Introduce assignment#4 (pictures in motion - 3 over 3) |
6/7 -Demo- Text Layout in Photoshop -Work Shop - design book covers. -Bring choices for Artist presentations. |
8/9 -Critique of assignment #3 -Production Time -In progress review of Assignment |
13/14 -Artist Presentations -Workshop Digital Panorama Stitching -Production Time |
15/16 -Artist Presentations -Exercise #6 |
20/21 -Final approval for Personal Project -Review techniques |
22/23 TBD/t-giv |
27/28 -Critique of assignment #4 |
29/30 TBD |
December 2017 |
Monday / Tuesday |
Wednesday / Thursday |
4/5 -Final Project Midway In-progress review -Production Time for Final Project |
6/7 -Production Time for Final Project |
11/12 FINAL CRIT |
13/14 FINAL CRIT/Study Day |
18/19 |
20/21 |
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |